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4 Courses

FG - TM Process Training
Talent Management
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Talent Management

FG - TM Process Training

Through these live recorded sessions, we will cover the full Talent Management Process within Future Group. And get to know the answer to any FAQs.

Talent Sourcing
Talent Management
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Talent Management

Talent Sourcing

In the war for talent, it's important to create an effective recruiting strategy. It begins with knowing where to find or "source" the best possible candidates.

Attracting and Sourcing Diverse Candidates
Talent Management
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Talent Management

Attracting and Sourcing Diverse Candidates

In this course, you will learn how unconscious bias can affect the shortlisting and interview processes. You will become familiar with various practical strategies and techniques to forward a fair and merit-based assessment of all candidates.

How to Manage a Remote Team
Talent Management
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Talent Management

How to Manage a Remote Team

In this course, you’ll learn and apply remote work best practices, build your remote work policy, and prepare your team for success.