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29 Courses

Cyber-Security Tip (Phishing Emails)
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Cyber-Security Tip (Phishing Emails)

Phishing is a type of cyberattack that uses disguised email to trick the recipient into giving up information, downloading malware, or taking some other desired action.

The Language of Leaders
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The Language of Leaders

Learn what leaders do differently to get attention, mobilize followers, and inspire action. Find out how you can use words to engage people and present your ideas in a more compelling way. 

How to Effectively Manage Your Remote Team
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How to Effectively Manage Your Remote Team

As more organizations shift to working remotely, many for the first time, employees are having to quickly adapt to new processes. Managers are finding themselves leading a workforce over video conferences and answering questions over various chat tools all while juggling their own projects.

How to Identify Future Leaders in your Organization: An Expert Panel
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How to Identify Future Leaders in your Organization: An Expert Panel

As the business landscape continues to change and become increasingly competitive, you need a dedicated strategy to help you identify tomorrow’s leaders – today. Your talented leaders are your organization's most valuable asset – motivating employees, improving performance and your bottom line.

Leadership and Alignment in B2B
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Leadership and Alignment in B2B

Join Brian Beck, author of Billion Dollar B2B eCommerce, Brian Klaus, Director of eCommerce at Johnstone Supply and Andrej Maihorn, VP of Industry Solutions at Elastic Path in a session focused on Leadership and Alignment.

Strategies for Growing Your Services Business During Difficult Times
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Strategies for Growing Your Services Business During Difficult Times

The challenges services organizations had, those of pipeline and income visibility, haven’t gone away. Alongside those are now the new challenges of having to deliver projects remotely and a remote workforce.

The Pitch Guidebook: How To Be Pitch Ready
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The Pitch Guidebook: How To Be Pitch Ready

If you're interested in seeing founders and investors in action and arm yourself with the insights and inspiration you need to get yourself pitch ready then this is for you.

Behind the Curtains: The Psychology of Customer Journey
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Behind the Curtains: The Psychology of Customer Journey

This webinar will take the audience through the modern consumer’s mindset and how the ‘power’ in the buying cycle has shifted over the years.

Email in 2021: Turn Your Business Emails into a New Marketing & Feedback Channel
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Email in 2021: Turn Your Business Emails into a New Marketing & Feedback Channel

Every industry has relied heavily on email since the COVID-19 pandemic struck. Email has been the backbone on which businesses have continued to operate. We might all meet on Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet, but we transact and communicate through email in volumes never seen before.

CX in a World Without Surveys
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CX in a World Without Surveys

Surveys are a critical data point for Customer Experience teams, but there’s so much more customer feedback to address. In a fast-paced, digital-first world, the insights CX teams get from surveys can come too late to make an impact.

A new spin on Competitive Intelligence
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A new spin on Competitive Intelligence

In this 30-minute session, Diane Borska and Lenore Scanlon, leaders of Momentum’s Competitive Intelligence team, will explore the new world of competitive intelligence with our distinguished guest

10 Content Marketing Growth Hacks
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10 Content Marketing Growth Hacks

Curated tips and tricks to get the most out of your content.
With such an interconnected world, full of rich content and amazing user experiences, the opportunity to reach new customers is more tantalising than ever before.

4 Pillars to Winning and Retaining the Customer
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4 Pillars to Winning and Retaining the Customer

Today’s customer wants to be in control of their journey. In this webinar, Chief Marketing officer of Blurb, and former leader from Nokia, Hitachi and Adobe, Paramita Bhattacharya, will explain how to transform go-to-market through the lens of the customer and build a customer lifecycle journey and experience.

Using Your Voice to Advocate for Your Ideas
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Using Your Voice to Advocate for Your Ideas

You have ideas. You have a unique point of view. And you have a right to -- even an obligation to -- express your ideas and POV in the workplace. But how?
This live video presentations is for anyone who's ever felt silenced, minimized, sidelined, marginalized, or afraid to speak up. (And isn't that all of us!?)

Giving & Receiving Feedback (without defensiveness!)
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Giving & Receiving Feedback (without defensiveness!)

There's a right way (and a wrong way!) to give feedback. And there's a right way to receive it, too. When you master the basics of both giving and receiving feedback, you'll become much more effective in collaborating and in getting things done!

Critical Thinking an Essential Skill in Turbulent Times
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Critical Thinking an Essential Skill in Turbulent Times

Logic. Reason. Rational thought. In the heat of the moment, in a volatile and turbulent time, sometimes these get lost. Emotions prevail and hasty actions create bigger problems that could have been prevented with a healthy dose of critical thinking.

The People Success Advantage: Boosting Manager Effectiveness
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The People Success Advantage: Boosting Manager Effectiveness

In the new world of work, a people-centric approach is imperative to an organization’s ability to innovate and grow, delight customers and beat the competition. How can you reimagine your HR strategy for long-term success by putting your people at the center?

Transforming Your Sales Manager Into The Leader You Always Desired
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Transforming Your Sales Manager Into The Leader You Always Desired

Join us to learn the top 10 reasons why sales leaders are not being effective and what needs to be done to transform them into effective leaders that drive winning teams and deliver results.

Recruitment Branding 101: How Culture & Vision Attract Top Talent
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Recruitment Branding 101: How Culture & Vision Attract Top Talent

All in all, an organization is a product which serves its customers through the best talents and the best technologies available. To attract the best talent, you need to go where you find candidates who possess such demanding skills.

Creating B2B Engagement, Not Just B2B Content
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Creating B2B Engagement, Not Just B2B Content

Marketers are generating more and more content to educate and nurture prospects through the sales pipeline. But for many, it’s becoming harder than ever to identify and implement effective methods to connect with the ideal buyer.